How FSNS Certification and Audit Enforces Food Safety Practices

Food Safety Net Services Certification and Audit are known globally to offer audit programs and services to food safety industries. They conduct their audits with high levels of integrity and have advanced with time. Experts and professors thoroughly train the employed auditors in the field of food safety. The training sessions, in turn, ensure that the auditors are capable of offering assistance to clients in ways that enable them to improve and develop highly qualified auditors to conduct the FSNS Certification and Audit.

FSNS C & A was first started to conduct customer and product-specific audits. The businesses began to grow as more customers, especially those of the meat industry, started requesting their services. The auditing and certification of meat processing and production stages later grew to cover all food manufacturing ventures. The company then felt the need to distinguish the laboratory sector and the auditing business, which led to the creation of the FSNS C&A. with time, the organization has expanded and has begun auditing livestock and farms. They have grown to be known for their undisputed customer services and professionalism in their work.

Certifications Offered by FSNS C&A include

  1. Global Food Safety Initiative(GFSI)

This is a business-driven initiative that focuses on ensuring safe food delivery, hence improving the food safety management systems.

  1. BRC Food

This regulatory body addresses and ensures that the required customer expectations for safe food delivery are met and the regulations adhered to by evaluating the key elements.

  1. SQF

This type of certification for food safety management is meant for retailers and foodservice providers. This program was implemented to minimize the inconsistencies and costs of conducting a series of standards assessments. This regulation tries to link up the production stage, distribution stage, and agent certification.

  1. FSSC

This regulatory body aims to offer an outline used to design and enhance food safety management systems.

  1. ISO 22000:2018

This is a regulatory body that issues food management systems that can assess food production from the farm stage to the moment one intakes the food. Any company with ISO 22000 certified can comfortably and confidently prove to their customers that the food management system is implemented and adhered to. This raises the client’s confidence in the food products.

Audits Conducted by FSNS C&A

  • Food safety audits
  • Packaging audits
  • Warehouse Audits
  • Meat and dairy audits
  • Egg and poultry audits
  • Pet and animal feed producers
  • Animal welfare


Customer protection is very crucial, especially when dealing with food products. Food safety is a significant issue, especially in the food manufacturing, processing, and distribution industry. To ensure that the delivered food protects is safe for consumption, different regulations and practices are enforced with the help of FSNS C&A. The company is equipped with well-trained auditors who work for them to ensure that their clients’ needs are met or surpassed, thereby fulfilling the client’s expectations. The company offers certification and auditing services to food manufacturing and processing industries and ensures that they adhere to the regulations for food safety management.