3 Low-Maintenance Décor Ideas for a More Polished Look

When it comes to the design and overall style of your home, you might have visions of a polished, more finished look. That being said, it is important to remember that the design choices that you make in your home need to be conducive to a functional house. This is particularly true if you have a family that includes younger children.

It is understandably nerve-racking to consider bringing expensive and fragile design elements into your home that will only get destroyed over time. Furthermore, the idea of maintaining and looking after these pieces might not be an appealing thought.

With all of the possessions that you already have to look after and manage in your home, you might not have the time and energy to dedicate to looking after delicate plants and fragile pieces. Nevertheless, you might still wish to have the spaces in your home feel and look polished and put together.

Thankfully, there are a number of low-maintenance décor ideas that you can employ in your home that will help you to achieve a more polished look. Here are three such ideas that you can consider that will help you to finish off any space in your home.

1. Artificial Plants

There was once a time when artificial plants were not exactly seen as the antithesis of polished home décor. Such pieces were visibly fake and didn’t bring much class into the picture. However, these days there are a variety of artificial plants offered by companies such as Hemsly that look incredibly real and that can instantly brighten up a space.

The benefits of using artificial plants are obvious. Not only do you not have to worry about watering them properly and repotting them when they grow, but the only maintenance that you need to do to keep them looking fresh is dust them regularly.

2. Books

One classic and timeless décor idea that will never go out of style is to use books for decoration. Of course, you will not want to use any old paperback that you pick up for your next flight. Instead, opt for lovely leatherbound books that will look nice on a shelf.

The key to making the most of this décor idea is to ensure that you don’t go overboard. A few well-placed books on a shelf or end table will look classy and polished, while too many will make your space feel like a library.

3. Durable Flooring

The flooring in your home sees a lot of traffic that will easily result in wear and tear. For this reason, you should look to have more durable flooring installed instead of using materials that are easily damaged.

Although some types of flooring might seem more polished and refined, you want to avoid opting for anything that will get damaged easily. No matter how lovely it looks at the start, damaged flooring can quickly eliminate any hard work that you have put into the design of your home.