How to Find the Best Surgeon for Your Rhinoplasty

Source: Wikipedia

If you are looking to get rhinoplasty in Tampa, you know you have an important decision to make: how should you find the best surgeon for your procedure? Rhinoplasty is widely known as one of the most difficult cosmetic procedures. What is more, the results of your surgery can have lasting effects not just on your physical appearance, but also on your self-esteem. To ensure that you get rhinoplasty in Tampa that is not only safe but also gets you the results you want, you need the best surgeon available. So how do you choose the best surgeon for your rhinoplasty?

1. Board certification

When looking for a surgeon, the very first thing you should review is their board certification. A surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties has proven that he or she has sufficient clinical knowledge to perform a rhinoplasty. However, board certification alone does not guarantee that the doctor is a skilled surgeon — much like a driver’s license does not prove that someone is an experienced driver. However, you should look at board certification as the baseline for finding rhinoplasty in Tampa.

2. Recommendations

You will also want a surgeon who comes with plenty of recommendations. This means not only word-of-mouth recommendations but also online reviews of other customers that detail their positive experiences with the doctor. Additionally, you should also look for one that has credentials or acclamations from other professionals in the field of cosmetic surgery.

3. Niche experience

There are many doctors who are certified in the wider field of cosmetic surgery, but rhinoplasty goes beyond that. Rhinoplasty is one of the most technically difficult cosmetic surgeries available. That means that you need a surgeon who is not just accredited on paper, but who has real, extensive experience. Skilled cosmetic surgery requires practice, and you cannot get that in theory. This is another thing to consider when looking for rhinoplasty in Tampa.

4. First consultation

Although recommendations, experience, and academic reputation are all important, you should also pay attention to how you feel during your initial consultation. You are looking for a doctor to perform delicate and complex surgery on your face. It is important that you feel comfortable with them and that you feel like your wishes are being heard and noted.

But a good consultation goes beyond your feelings alone. You will begin to see the doctor’s quality of care right there during your first visit — long before any surgical procedure takes place. During this consultation, your doctor should give you an examination, assess the issues you are having, and come up with a treatment plan.

They should also communicate effectively by helping you understand all your options as well as possible outcomes and side effects of your procedure. All of these things will start you in the formation of your relationship with your surgeon and help you decide if they are your best choice for rhinoplasty in Tampa.