8 quick ways to remedy snoring

Snoring is caused by vibrating tissue in the nose and throat during sleep. The harsh and irritating sounds associated with snoring are a common feature of many bedrooms, with a study suggesting that over half of all American adults reportedly affected by it.

Snoring will make the night uncomfortable for both your partner and yourself.  Even people who normally do not snore may experience a higher frequency of snoring after illness, heavy drinking or as a result of poor positioning during the night.  Snoring may also signify some underlying condition and may need urgent medical guidance. It can be a sign of obesity, sleep apnea, sleep deprivation and an issue with your nasal and esophageal structure.

In a number of cases, persistent snoring might necessitate medical treatment.  However, for snoring caused by benign factors, it can be treated with the help of simple home remedies. Here are a few ways to remedy your snoring problems quickly.

Cut your weight

Your weight will play a big factor in your snoring frequency. People who rank above the expected weight for their height group will be likely to have more tissue in their esophageal region. This can increase the tendency of snoring, since this tissue is more likely to vibrate. If your body mass index measurement suggests you are overweight, addressing this will help you cut down your snoring. You can seek the help of a nutritionist or doctor, take up regular exercise and eat smaller portions of healthier food to reduce your weight to recommended levels.

Change your mattress

Your snoring could be a result of an uncomfortable sleeping surface. Your mattress contributes to your sleep in a bigger way than you know. It could be the main cause of your snoring. If you notice that you snore mostly when you sleep in your bed, it could be time to change your mattress. You could consider amerisleep mattress for a variety of comfortable options that will help you improve your night and reduce your snoring. Changing your mattress will increase the level of comfort in your bedroom and facilitate a better night’s rest.

Adjust your sleeping position

Sleeping on your back will have a bigger effect on your airways than sleeping on your side. In the latter position, your airways are freer and allow for air to pass through without causing snoring. If you sleep on your back, you may need to consider sleeping on your side for a snore-free night. You can raise the head of your bed to facilitate better positioning when you sleep. This will reduce the risk of blockage, which will affect the frequency of your snoring.

Treat your allergies

Chronic allergies will affect the flow of air in your body. It could hinder breathing through the nose due to blocked passageways. This is a key reason why people with allergies are likely to snore in their sleep. You should consider getting your allergies treated to address a high frequency of snoring. Talk to your doctor about possible solutions, as well as consider easily accessible anti-allergen medication to help you address your problem.

Avoid alcohol and sedatives before bed

Alcohol and sedative use will relax your muscles. They can be a great option to relax your body and mind when taken in recommended amounts. However, if taken before bed, they could lead to an increased rate of snoring. You should avoid taking any alcohol or sedatives up to two hours before bed. This will reduce the likelihood of relaxed throat tissue, which will address snoring. You should limit your alcohol intake to specific times. You may also need to contact your doctor about available options to help you substitute any sedatives you may be prescribed to.

Sleep for recommended amounts of time

Is there a recommended amount of time that you should sleep for? If you are an adult, your body will need between 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted rest every night. If you fail to meet these numbers, you could affect your sleep pattern and body’s natural rhythm. An imbalance in your circadian clock will affect your body’s ability to experience rest during sleep, which could increase the likelihood of snoring. By sleeping for the recommended amount of time, you will be better able to rest and cut out your snoring.

An oral appliance could help

You could consider getting a dental appliance to keep your air passage open when you sleep. You will be less likely to snore since these oral mouthpieces will prevent any blockage and reduce the likelihood of vibration in your throat. You may need to get in touch with your dentist to find an ideally sized mouthpiece to help you reduce the risk of snoring.  You could also consider palatial implants which are injected into your mouth’s soft palate to make it harder and reduce the rate of vibration.

Consider UPPP and Radiofrequency tissue ablation

You may consider other treatment options if these changes fail to make any effect on your snoring frequency. Radiofrequency tissue ablation, also called a somnoplasty, will shrink your soft palate tissue through low-intensity radio waves. This will reduce the surface area of vibration and cut out a high frequency of snoring. You may also consider uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, which involve tightening of the throat muscles. LAUPPP, which involves the use of laser assistance, is a very effective and quick alternative to reduce your snoring. You should discuss the list of options available to you with your physician to develop an idea treatment plan for your snoring.

Final word

Sleep is important for a well functioning body. It can be disrupted by heavy snoring. Luckily, this can be addressed without incurring heavy medical expenses. You can address snoring by taking up minor lifestyle changes, such as limiting your use of alcohol and sedatives, as well as by creating a comfortable sleeping environment in your bedroom. Some snoring may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. If you try these remedies and still experience heavy snoring, you may need to seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner.