4 Diet Techniques for the New Year

People say “new year, new you,” but how about new diet techniques too? Whether it’s the South Beach diet, the Mediterranean diet or the keto diet, new diet trends are always cropping up, especially at the start of the year when everyone is hitting the gym to kickstart their resolutions. Lately, peptides are emerging as the new game-changer in the weight-loss industry. Read on for more diet tips and innovations for the year.

Peptide therapy

Peptide therapies like cjc 1295, a synthetic growth hormone, are said to not only be full of anti-aging properties, they can also encourage fat loss while promoting lean muscle growth. It also boosts metabolism. The way it works is it enhances lipolysis or the breakdown of lipids, which decreases body fat.

A combination therapy of CJC 1295 and the pentapeptide ipamorelin can also help with fast weight loss in a safe manner. The combination is also said to help boost lean muscle mass while aiding in muscle recovery, increasing energy and decreasing body fat. Experts say the innovative blend can help you reach your target weight while retaining anti-aging properties peptides offer.

Hormone replacement

Hormone replacement therapy is another potential alternative that can decrease belly fat, according to a 2018 study of over 1,000 women between the ages of 50 and 80 who were postmenopause. The study showed that women taking hormones had much lower levels of belly fat, compared with those who never took them. As with any therapy, you should first discuss your options with your doctor to make sure you understand all the benefits and side effects.

Intermittent fasting

If the Mediterranean diet was king in 2019, periodic fasting is king in 2020. Intermittent fasting, or part-time fasting, is another diet movement on the rise.

There are various schedules for intermittent fasting such as alternate day fasting or the 5:2 method, but the most popular is marked by eight hours of eating and fasting the other 16 hours. As such, intermittent fasting is more of an eating lifestyle than a diet. While this method does not limit what you eat, it helps you lose weight because you’ll eat less, period. However, this may not be advisable for those with existing conditions such as diabetes.

Prebiotic diet

When it comes to losing weight, stomach bacteria play a key role. That is because a healthy, diverse microbiome is key to good metabolism. Thus, one diet that has quietly taken its place is the prebiotic diet, a regimen consisting of natural sugars and fibers known to stimulate good bacteria in the gut.

Fruits high in prebiotic content include watermelon, bananas, and grapefruits. Vegetables high in prebiotic content include garlic, onions, asparagus, artichokes and leeks, as well as legumes such as lentils and chickpeas.

It should be noted that not all these diet methods may be for everyone. Before changing your diet or trying a new therapy, be sure to consult with your doctor or health care professional. Finally, these new diets may help you become the new you for the new year. You’ll probably reach your goal faster, however, if you incorporate regular exercise into your schedule on top of your new diet.