Bharat Bhise, Juggling a Wife, a Family and a Successful Business

Traditionally it was men who were the business owners and the dutiful wife would stay at home looking after the house and the kids. Thankfully those days have changed completely now and women gave just as successful careers as the men do. This is why I believe it is important to mention stories of both women and men like my friend Bharat Bhise, who are able to somehow juggle looking after a family and owning a successful company. Honestly I am amazed that Bharat is able to split up his time like this and he is a very loving husband and an attentive father, as well as being a hard working and highly successful businessman, and here is how he does it.


Bharat is an absolute sticker for organization and even if I just want to head out for a couple of beers with him, we have to plan this well ahead. As frustrating as I may find this, I totally get it, without organization he could never manage all of his obligations to his business and his family. I have actually seen Bharat’s diary which is simply astonishing, appointments everyday, reminders of the kid’s events and business meetings, a paced schedule indeed.


Bharat has a set of rules which he sticks to that enable him to meet all of his business and family needs. These are things such as always picking the kids up or dropping them off to school 4 times per week, ensuring that he never works weekends, and making enough time each and every evening with his wife, where business talk is off limits. These rules are now followed without him having to think of them and they are one of the key reasons why he is able to be that attentive father and husband, and still give all of himself to his business.

Personal Time

You would think that Bharat had absolutely zero time for himself given the hours that he puts in elsewhere but in making just an hour for himself each day, he is able to manage everything much easier. Usually this hour will be spent at the gym in-between finishing work and going home, the reason as to why he does this is so that by the time he gets home, all of the stresses and strains from the office have been forgotten about, and he can be a Dad who cares about his children’s and his wife’s life, without being stressed or highly strung because of the day that he has had.


Bharat of course counts on the support from his wife if there is ever a period where he cannot stick to his rules about work/life balance, and he also has the most amazing assistant at work who is able to cover that side of things. No man is an island which is why Bharat has to lean on these people in his life to ensure that everything continues as it should.